Introduction to Story-based Strategy Training (May)
Join us this spring for one of our two Introduction to Story-based Strategy Trainings.
Join us this spring for one of our two Introduction to Story-based Strategy Trainings.
Join us this spring for one of our two Introduction to Story-based Strategy Trainings.
[En español más abajo]
We will be holding an interactive 4-hour long Introductory Training in Story-based Strategy for Youth (ages: 13-30) this fall! We are excited to share and practice core story-based strategy concepts and tools with powerful young people who are interested in building narrative power for liberation and justice.
Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings
Thursday, November 7th, 2024
3pm PST / 6pm EST (4 hrs)
*Applications are now due on Friday, September 20th EOD.*
Due to access and community care, our Intro Trainings are being held virtually. We will not be providing English/US American Sign Language this time. We will offer a couple of breaks during the training. Please help us improve our accessibility to these spaces - let us know what we can do better!
*Depending on interest and needs both trainings may be facilitated bilingually, in Spanish and English, and provide simultaneous interpretation.*
In alignment with our commitment to make our gatherings accessible, we offer our Intro Trainings on a sliding scale. If you are part of an organization that can cover tuition, please see the options below and let us know what's possible (based on your organization's budget). If your organization does not have funds for professional development or if you are applying as an individual we will offer you a full scholarship.
Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!
FREE - Solidarity rate (Scholarships)
$100 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 or below
$200 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Organizational Budget of $500,000 or more
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Este otoño, facilitaremos un taller interactivo de 4 horas en Introducción a Estrategia Basada en Historias para jóvenes (edad: 13-30)! Estamos emocionades de compartir y practicar herramientas y conceptos fundamentals de estrategia basada en historias con gente jóven que está interesada en crear poder narrativo e imaginación radical para la liberación y la justicia.
Para obtener más información sobre estos talleres, visita: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Jueves 7 de noviembre del 2024
3 - 7 pm PST / 6 - 10 pm EST (4 hrs)
*La nueva fecha límite para aplicar es el viernes 20 de septiembre*
Para apoyar acceso y cuidado comunitario, nuestros talleres introductorios serán impartidos virtualmente. Esta vez no proporcionaremos lenguaje de señas estadounidense. Ofreceremos un par de descansos durante el entrenamiento. Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra accesibilidad a estos espacios. ¡Háznos saber qué podemos hacer mejor!
*Dependiendo del interés y necesidades, los dos talleres serán facilitados de manera bilingüe, en castellano/español e inglés, y proveeremos interpretación simultánea.*
En alineación con nuestro compromiso de hacer que nuestras herramientas sean accesibles para gente jóven, ofrecemos este taller sin costo alguno.
Envía un correo electrónico a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tienes alguna pregunta.
[En español más abajo]
We will be holding an interactive 5-hour long Introductory Training in Story-based Strategy this fall! We are excited to share and practice core story-based strategy concepts and tools with powerful organizers, cultural builders, and movement people and keep building narrative power for liberation and justice.
Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings
Thursday, October 17th, 2024
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*Applications are due on Friday, August 30th EOD.*
Due to access and community care, our Intro Trainings are being held virtually. We will not be providing English/US American Sign Language this time. We will offer a couple of breaks during the training. Please help us improve our accessibility to these spaces - let us know what we can do better!
*Depending on interest and needs both trainings may be facilitated bilingually, in Spanish and English, and provide simultaneous interpretation.*
In alignment with our commitment to make our gatherings accessible, we offer our Intro Trainings on a sliding scale. The full tuition for this training is based on your organization's budget. This financial contribution will help us compensate our trainers and other expenses. We also offer limited scholarships (see more below!). Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!
FREE - Solidarity rate (Scholarships)
$100 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 or below
$200 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Organizational Budget of $500,000 or more
Note: If you are applying as an individual, please choose an amount on the sliding scale according to your financial capacity. Limited scholarships are available — contact us if you have specific questions about the participant fees, including individuals or organizations for which this may be a hardship.
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Este otoño, facilitaremos un taller interactivo de 5 horas en Introducción a Estrategia Basada en Historias! Estamos emocionades de compartir y practicar herramientas y conceptos fundamentals de estrategia basada en historias con organizadores poderoses, creadore/as culturales, y personas del movimiento social y seguir transformando el poder narrativo e imaginación radical para la liberación y la justicia.
Para obtener más información sobre estos talleres, visita: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Jueves 17 de octubre del 2024
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*La fecha límite para aplicar es el viernes 30 de agosto*
Para apoyar acceso y cuidado comunitario, nuestros talleres introductorios serán impartidos virtualmente. Esta vez no proporcionaremos lenguaje de señas estadounidense. Ofreceremos un par de descansos durante el entrenamiento. Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra accesibilidad a estos espacios. ¡Háznos saber qué podemos hacer mejor!
*Dependiendo del interés y necesidades, los dos talleres serán facilitados de manera bilingüe, en castellano/español e inglés, y proveeremos interpretación simultánea.*
En alineación con nuestro compromiso de hacer que nuestras reuniones sean accesibles, ofrecemos nuestras capacitaciones introductorias en escala de precios. El precio para esta capacitación se basa en el presupuesto de su organización. Esta aportación económica nos ayuda a compensar a nuestres entrenadores y otros gastos. También ofrecemos becas limitadas (¡vea más abajo!). Nadie será rechazade por falta de fondos.
GRATIS - Solidaridad (Becas)
$100 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 o menor
$200 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $500,000 o mayor
Nota: Si aplicas como individue, elige una cantidad en la escala de precios de acuerdo con tu capacidad financiera. Hay becas limitadas disponibles; contáctanos si tienes preguntas específicas sobre las tarifas de les participantes, incluidas las personas u organizaciones para las que esto puede ser una dificultad.
Envía un correo electrónico a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tienes alguna pregunta.
[En español más abajo]
Image description: Event flyer. The title reads “2024 Advanced Training”. Below the title is a dynamic illustration of past Advanced Training participants. Some participants present their analysis on fliptcarts, and some simulate their organizing campaigns. At the bottom of the image, the text reads “June 11-14. Location: Corbett, OR. Apply by 03/20: BIT.LY/CSS2024AT”
The Advanced Training (AT) is a 4-day deep immersion in Story-based Strategy concepts and tools. Story-based Strategy is a framework that integrates core principles from organizing, communications, narrative, and culture, and has built with grassroots movements in changing the story for over 20 years.
This training is for organizers and movement people who want to practice more creative storytelling and critical narrative analysis. Through a combination of training, coaching, peer collaboration, and radical imagination participants will have the opportunity to engage in political consciousness, apply tools and learnings in campaign labs, and grow opportunities to facilitate Story-based Strategy in their movement work and communities.
We will cover CSS tools, like Narrative Power Media Analysis (NPMA), Battle of the Story (BOS), Campaign Cornerstones, Drama Triangle, Points of Intervention (POI), and the 4th Box, to name some, and create spaces for deep practice and facilitation. During the last two days, we focus on campaign labs, where participants get to use and facilitate these tools on real and current campaigns at the intersections of Just Transition strategies and provide ideas for creative interventions. See the Training Goals and Curriculum Overview below.
Develop and deepen effective Story-based Strategy skills
Learn from a creative toolkit to use in their campaigns and organizations
Apply strategy and ideas in our campaign labs, creating Story-based Strategies for current and real-world campaigns
Build cross-movement connections that expand learning, cohere strategy, and forge lasting relationships with other practitioners for long-term support and collaboration
Narrative Power – Get grounded in concepts of narrative strategy. Learn frameworks to dismantle and build narrative power, as an important practice to advance our visions for justice, accountability and care.
Radical Imagination: Immerse in the meaning, importance and tools of radical imagination for our movements and visions.
Story-based Strategy (SBS) – Deepen SBS through examples and practice:
Assumptions Spectrogram: Surface underlying assumptions about the role of narrative and theories of change in an interactive style.
Elements Of Story: Identify the elements of story using a popular education approach.
Cornerstones: Clarify all the pre-conditions necessary to begin crafting a story-based strategy.
Narrative Power Media Analysis: Identify disinformation and dominant narratives targeting our communities and explore some of the elements of story, underlying assumptions, and framing in these stories.
Battle of the Story: Apply a narrative power analysis and craft effective frames to challenge harmful narratives and paint possible futures for our targets, audiences, and/or constituencies.
Drama Triangle: Distill core characters and power relationships in narratives using a simple model of reframing to support strategic discussion.
Fairy Tales: Lean intro radical imagination and apply creative synthesis and distillation of a framing narrative.
The 4th Box: Radical analysis, reflection and imagination tool to identify underlying assumptions and possible futures when we take out narrative and living barriers.
Points Of Intervention: Pinpoint and design strategic and creative interventions and direct actions to make “the invisible, visible” using narrative power frameworks.
Story Circle: Practice a framework for container building, group sharing, connecting to personal narrative and purpose. Connect to the power of story in our everyday lives.
Campaign Labs: Practice the deepened CSS tools and co-develop ideas in support of a real and current campaign. Use imagination as a tool and implement story-based strategy a campaign with a low stakes testing and refining process. Get confidence practicing CSS tools and concepts.
SBS network – As Grace Lee Boggs said, “In this exquisitely connected world, it's never a question of 'critical mass’. It's always about critical connections.” Join, build and transform a network of Story-Based Strategy practitioners. Create long-lasting relationships with people moving towards envisioned just worlds.
The Intro Training to Story-based Strategy (SBS) or other type of CSS engagement is strongly encouraged and will be prioritized for this Advanced Training.
WHAT: Story-based Strategy Advanced Training
WHEN: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 to Friday, June 14th, 2024
WHERE: In-person (!) at Corbett, Oregon
The CSS 2024 Advanced Training applications are closed.
Find our Accessibility Guidelines here.
*Depending on interest and needs this training may be facilitated bilingually, in Spanish and English, and provide simultaneous interpretation.*
Please help us improve our accessibility to these spaces - let us know what we can do better!
In alignment with our commitment to make our gatherings accessible, we offer our trainings on a sliding scale. The full tuition for this training is based on your organization's budget and will cover lodging and all meals throughout the training. We are asking all participants to stay on site for health safety protocols and relationship-building purposes. The tuition won’t cover transportation (mileage, flights, etc.) to and from the training - we will ask participants to coordinate and separately pay for their transportation. This financial contribution will partly help us compensate our trainers and pay for lodging and food. We may be able to offer limited scholarships. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!
$750 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 or below
$1,000 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 – $500,000
$1,500 - Organizational Budget of $500,000 or more
Note: If you are applying as an individual, please choose an amount on the sliding scale according to your financial capacity.
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Estamos emocionades de anunciar que regresaremos en persona para nuestro Taller Avanzado de CSS este junio 2024!
El Taller Avanzado (AT) es una inmersión profunda de 4 días en conceptos y herramientas de Estrategia Basada en Historias. La Estrategia Basada en Historias es un marco que integra los principios básicos de organización, comunicaciones, narrativa y cultura, y se ha construido con movimientos de base para cambiar la historia durante más de 20 años.
Esta capacitación está dirigida a organizadores y personas del movimiento que desean practicar una narración más creativa y un análisis narrativo crítico. A través de una combinación de capacitación, entrenamiento, colaboración e imaginación radical, les participantes tendrán la oportunidad de expander la conciencia política, aplicar herramientas y aprendizajes a laboratorios de campañas, y desarrollar oportunidades para facilitar la estrategia basada en historias en su trabajo de movimiento y comunidades. Los últimos días del AT se facilitan en laboratorios de campañas de intersecciones de estrategias de transición justa.
Desarrollarán y profundizarán capacidad en estrategia basada en historias
Aprenderán de un esquema creativo para usarlo en sus campañas y organizaciones
Aplicarán estrategia e ideas en los labs de campañas, creando estrategia basada en historias para campañas reales y actuales
Construirán conexiones a través dee varios movimientos para expander aprendizaje, juntar estrategias, y forjar relaciones duraderas con otres practicantes para apoyo y colaboración
El taller Intro a la Estrategia Basada en Historias (SBS) u otro tipo de participación de CSS es un requisito previo para este taller.
CUANDO: Martes 11 de junio a viernes 14 de junio del 2024
DONDE: En persona (!) en Corbett, Oregon
Las aplicaciones para el Taller Avanzado 2024 están cerradas
*Dependiendo del interés y necesidades esta capacitación podrá ser impartida de manera bilingüe, en español e inglés, y brindar interpretación simultánea.*
Encuentra nuestra Guía de Accesibilidad aquí (por lo pronto, solo en inglés).
Ayúdenos a mejorar nuestra accesibilidad a estos espacios. ¡Háznos saber qué podemos hacer mejor!
En alineación con nuestro compromiso de hacer que nuestras reuniones sean accesibles, ofrecemos nuestras capacitaciones introductorias en escala de precios. El precio para esta capacitación se basa en el presupuesto de su organización y cubrirá estancia y comidas durante todo el taller. Esta aportación económica nos ayuda a compensar a nuestres entrenadores y otros gastos. También, es posible que podamos ofrecer algunas becas. Nadie será rechazade por falta de fondos.
$750 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 o menor
$1,000 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 – $500,000
$1,500 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $500,000 o mayor
Nota: Si aplicas como individue, elige una cantidad en la escala de precios de acuerdo con tu capacidad financiera.
Contáctanos a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tienes alguna pregunta.
[En español más abajo]
We are excited to announce that we will be holding two Introductory Trainings in Story-based Strategy this fall! We have had an impressive interest in these trainings and we want to make sure we are creating more spaces to build with powerful organizers, cultural builders, and movement people and keep building narrative power for liberation and justice.
During this interactive 5-hour long workshop, we will invite participants to learn and practice Story-based Strategy concepts and tools for critical narrative power analysis and creative interventions.
Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings
Apply now for one of our two proposed dates on:
Thursday, September 14th, 2023
Thursday, November 16th, 2023!
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*Applications are due on Friday, August 4th EOD.*
Due to access and community care, our Intro Trainings are being held virtually. We will not be providing English/US American Sign Language this time. We will offer a couple of breaks during the training. Please help us improve our accessibility to these spaces - let us know what we can do better!
*Depending on interest and needs both trainings may be facilitated bilingually, in Spanish and English, and provide simultaneous interpretation.*
In alignment with our commitment to make our gatherings accessible, we offer our Intro Trainings on a sliding scale. The full tuition for this training is based on your organization's budget. This financial contribution will help us compensate our trainers and other expenses. We also offer limited scholarships (see more below!). Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!
FREE - Solidarity rate (Scholarships)
$100 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 or below
$200 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Organizational Budget of $500,000 or more
Note: If you are applying as an individual, please choose an amount on the sliding scale according to your financial capacity. Limited scholarships are available — contact us if you have specific questions about the participant fees, including individuals or organizations for which this may be a hardship.
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Estamos emocionades de anunciar que facilitaremos dos Talleres Introductorios a Estrategia Basada en Historias este otoño! Hemos tenido un interés impresionante para estos talleres y queremos asegurarnos que estamos creando más espacios para construir con organizadores poderoses, creadore/as culturales, y personas del movimiento social y seguir transformando el poder narrativo e imaginación radical para la liberación y la justicia.
Durante este taller interactivo de 5 horas, invitaremos a les participantes a aprender y practicar conceptos y herramientas de estrategia basada en historias para el análisis crítico del poder narrativo e intervenciones creativas.
Para obtener más información sobre estos talleres, visita: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Aplica ahora para una de nuestras fechas propuestas:
Jueves 14 de septiembre del 2023
Jueves 16 de noviembre del 2023!
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*La fecha límite para aplicar es el viernes 4 de agosto*
Para apoyar acceso y cuidado comunitario, nuestros talleres introductorios serán impartidos virtualmente. Esta vez no proporcionaremos lenguaje de señas estadounidense. Ofreceremos un par de descansos durante el entrenamiento. Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra accesibilidad a estos espacios. ¡Háznos saber qué podemos hacer mejor!
*Dependiendo del interés y necesidades, los dos talleres serán facilitados de manera bilingüe, en castellano/español e inglés, y proveeremos interpretación simultánea.*
En alineación con nuestro compromiso de hacer que nuestras reuniones sean accesibles, ofrecemos nuestras capacitaciones introductorias en escala de precios. El precio para esta capacitación se basa en el presupuesto de su organización. Esta aportación económica nos ayuda a compensar a nuestres entrenadores y otros gastos. También ofrecemos becas limitadas (¡vea más abajo!). Nadie será rechazade por falta de fondos.
GRATIS - Solidaridad (Becas)
$100 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 o menor
$200 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $500,000 o mayor
Nota: Si aplicas como individue, elige una cantidad en la escala de precios de acuerdo con tu capacidad financiera. Hay becas limitadas disponibles; contáctanos si tienes preguntas específicas sobre las tarifas de les participantes, incluidas las personas u organizaciones para las que esto puede ser una dificultad.
Envía un correo electrónico a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tienes alguna pregunta.
[En español más abajo]
We are excited to announce that we will be holding two Introductory Trainings in Story-based Strategy this fall! We have had an impressive interest in these trainings and we want to make sure we are creating more spaces to build with powerful organizers, cultural builders, and movement people and keep building narrative power for liberation and justice.
During this interactive 5-hour long workshop, we will invite participants to learn and practice Story-based Strategy concepts and tools for critical narrative power analysis and creative interventions.
Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings
Apply now for one of our two proposed dates on:
Thursday, September 14th, 2023
Thursday, November 16th, 2023!
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*Applications are due on Friday, August 4th EOD.*
Please note we tend to have more applicants than spaces available in our trainings. In alignment with our theory of change and priorities, we are currently prioritizing folks who are members of power-building groups and communities with the focus and at the intersections of youth justice, reparations, carceral abolition, pollution, poverty, and racism.
Due to access and community care, our Intro Trainings are being held virtually. We will not be providing English/US American Sign Language this time. We will offer a couple of breaks during the training. Please help us improve our accessibility to these spaces - let us know what we can do better!
*Depending on interest and needs both trainings may be facilitated bilingually, in Spanish and English, and provide simultaneous interpretation.*
In alignment with our commitment to make our gatherings accessible, we offer our Intro Trainings on a sliding scale. The full tuition for this training is based on your organization's budget. This financial contribution will help us compensate our trainers and other expenses. We also offer limited scholarships (see more below!). Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds!
FREE - Solidarity rate (Scholarships)
$100 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 or below
$200 - Organizational Budget of $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Organizational Budget of $500,000 or more
Note: If you are applying as an individual, please choose an amount on the sliding scale according to your financial capacity. Limited scholarships are available — contact us if you have specific questions about the participant fees, including individuals or organizations for which this may be a hardship.
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Estamos emocionades de anunciar que facilitaremos dos Talleres Introductorios a Estrategia Basada en Historias este otoño! Hemos tenido un interés impresionante para estos talleres y queremos asegurarnos que estamos creando más espacios para construir con organizadores poderoses, creadore/as culturales, y personas del movimiento social y seguir transformando el poder narrativo e imaginación radical para la liberación y la justicia.
Durante este taller interactivo de 5 horas, invitaremos a les participantes a aprender y practicar conceptos y herramientas de estrategia basada en historias para el análisis crítico del poder narrativo e intervenciones creativas.
Para obtener más información sobre estos talleres, visita: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Aplica ahora para una de nuestras fechas propuestas:
Jueves 14 de septiembre del 2023
Jueves 16 de noviembre del 2023!
10am - 3pm PST / 1-6pm EST (5 hrs)
*La fecha límite para aplicar es el viernes 4 de agosto*
Generalmente tenemos más solicitantes que espacios disponibles en nuestras capacitaciones. De acuerdo con nuestra teoría de cambio y prioridades anuales, actualmente estamos priorizando a las personas que son miembres de grupos y comunidades de construcción de poder con el enfoque y en intersecciones de justicia de jóvenes, reparaciones, abolición carcelaria, contaminación, pobreza y racismo.
Para apoyar acceso y cuidado comunitario, nuestros talleres introductorios serán impartidos virtualmente. Esta vez no proporcionaremos lenguaje de señas estadounidense. Ofreceremos un par de descansos durante el entrenamiento. Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra accesibilidad a estos espacios. ¡Háznos saber qué podemos hacer mejor!
*Dependiendo del interés y necesidades, los dos talleres serán facilitados de manera bilingüe, en castellano/español e inglés, y proveeremos interpretación simultánea.*
En alineación con nuestro compromiso de hacer que nuestras reuniones sean accesibles, ofrecemos nuestras capacitaciones introductorias en escala de precios. El precio para esta capacitación se basa en el presupuesto de su organización. Esta aportación económica nos ayuda a compensar a nuestres entrenadores y otros gastos. También ofrecemos becas limitadas (¡vea más abajo!). Nadie será rechazade por falta de fondos.
GRATIS - Solidaridad (Becas)
$100 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 o menor
$200 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $250,000 – $500,000
$300 - Presupuesto Organizacional de $500,000 o mayor
Nota: Si aplicas como individue, elige una cantidad en la escala de precios de acuerdo con tu capacidad financiera. Hay becas limitadas disponibles; contáctanos si tienes preguntas específicas sobre las tarifas de les participantes, incluidas las personas u organizaciones para las que esto puede ser una dificultad.
Envía un correo electrónico a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tienes alguna pregunta.
We will be hosting another bilingual (Spanish-English) Intro Training this May 11th 2023, from 10 am- 3 pm PST! (no open applications)
Applications for this training are open until November 18, 2022
For more information please visit: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Please email trainings@storybasedstrategy.org if you have any questions.
¡Nuestro próximo taller abierto al público se realizará en enero del 2023! CSS facilitará una capacitación introductoria sobre estrategia basada en historias para seguir construyendo comunidad y poder en torno a la estrategia narrativa y la imaginación radical.
Durante este taller, compartiremos conceptos y herramientas de estrategia basada en historias para el análisis crítico del poder narrativo e intervenciones creativas para la justicia social. ¡Se parte del taller!
Para obtener más información, visite: https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/intro-training
Envíe un correo electrónico a trainings@storybasedstrategy.org si tiene alguna pregunta.
Join our amazing 2021 CSS Fellows and other story-based strategy practitioners for a presentation and reflection on applying story-based strategy to movement work.
The workshop will explore a strategic approach to drafting content for the social media platform, TikTok to frame issues including climate justice that integrate characters, music and messaging. We will learn a little bit about the tools and techniques of TikTok, as well as practice making scripts for succinct and impactful stories.
Join your fellow climate justice activists, organizers, & artists as we dive into a battle of the story together, on what "Saving the Earth" means for the powerbrokers vs. the people and imagine spectacle actions together, to uplift a transformative story about the world we desire.
Storytelling has always been a powerful tool to name problems, unite constituencies, and mobilize people towards solutions. While this political moment has brought the destructive power of dominant narratives into sharp relief, it also brings with it immense possibility. This interactive session will provide participants with a practical framework and hands-on tools for harnessing the power of story and imagination for resiliency and liberation.
Join us for an hour to pause, reflect, make some sense and be in community. We’ll look at the stories that are flying, and seek clarity together.
Join us at 2-3pm PT • 5-6pm ET on Tuesday, November 3rd, Election Day 2020
It is a one-of-a-kind learning experience that delivers the best tools and thinking from the only national strategy center dedicated to amplifying the impact of grassroots organizing for social and ecological justice with the power of narrative. Together we are a powerful network of story-based strategy practitioners and leaders throughout the social & ecological justice movements.
This event has been postponed until further notice.
This session will provide participants with a practical framework to create powerful stories and hands-on tools for framing your issues. We will explore what it means to apply a “narrative analysis of power” to social change work and share the story-based strategy approach for developing campaign narratives. This training is perfect for organizers looking to ground themselves in winning framing and communication strategies, as well as anyone working for progressive change who wants to become a more strategic storyteller and story-changer.
Our Intro Training is a full-day introduction to story-based strategy with no prerequisites. Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings.
Applications for this training are now closed.
Applicants will be notified by Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Thank you!
Panel discussion for participants at Netroots 2019 in Room: 115A