The Advanced Training 2020
It is a one-of-a-kind learning experience that delivers the best tools and thinking from the only national strategy center dedicated to amplifying the impact of grassroots organizing for social and ecological justice with the power of narrative. Together we are a powerful network of story-based strategy practitioners and leaders throughout the social & ecological justice movements.

Intro to Story-based Strategy: Durham
This event has been postponed until further notice.

Intro to Story-based Strategy: Oakland
This session will provide participants with a practical framework to create powerful stories and hands-on tools for framing your issues. We will explore what it means to apply a “narrative analysis of power” to social change work and share the story-based strategy approach for developing campaign narratives. This training is perfect for organizers looking to ground themselves in winning framing and communication strategies, as well as anyone working for progressive change who wants to become a more strategic storyteller and story-changer.

Intro to Story-based Strategy
Our Intro Training is a full-day introduction to story-based strategy with no prerequisites. Click here to read a full description of our Intro Trainings.
Applications for this training are now closed.
Applicants will be notified by Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Thank you!