apply to be a sbs practitioner fellow
Looking to build your Story-Based Strategy (SBS) chops and build community with other SBS Practitioners? If so, read on! 2021 SBS Practitioner Fellows get:
Applied Practice
The primary purpose of the Fellowship is to give AT alumni time, space, and support to deepen your SBS chops. Over the course of 4-5 months, you’ll get to practice bring SBS into your work on a new or existing organizing project.
You’ll be along for the ride with the 2-3 other Fellows as you each develop your projects. You’ll have each other’s support as well as support from a coach, someone in our Network who has their own experience bringing SBS into their work, in training or organizing contexts.
To support you to dedicate time and energy to your organizing, prototyping, and reflection, you’ll be paid $3,000 in two installments.
Radical imagination is rooted in place
From our neighborhood to our watershed, where we are is the essential starting place for play and imagination. Re-engaging with land re-grounds us in its finite abundance and fragile bounty. This year, we will be giving priority to projects that are rooted in place and have a specific, place-based aspect.
This could be you!
2020 Fellows
Curious what a Fellowship project might look like? Check out some of the projects and case studies from the 2020 Fellowships.
Kedar Reddy
SBS can be used to help organizers develop for campaign strategy and pre-campaign strategy
SBS (and other narrative strategy frameworks) can prevent bias from negatively impacting campaign strategy
Ruby Pinto
Cornerstones, Elements of Story, Battle of the Story, Drama Triangles, The 4th Box
SBS can help bring clarity when a large diversity of opinions is present
SBS can help keep theoretical/academic ideas grounded in personal realities
SBS can support organizers to position themselves in the story of their work
H Kapp-Klote
Cornerstones can help organizers think through questions that feel daunting
When stuck on an important decision, think about it from the perspective of your audience
Ok, so how does the fellowship work?
Fill out the application (see below).
CSS selects Fellows using a rubric rooted in our Anti-Oppression Principles and Theory of Change. New applicants will be prioritized, but repeat applicants are welcome!
In each cohort, Fellows will be supported in their organizing work by their cohort Coach and the other Fellows.
Fellows launch or continue projects in their places and watch how the world changes.
Fellows complete an interview to reflect on their learnings about their project and SBS.
Fellows continue to be awesome.
Key Dates
April 14-28: Applications open.
Week of May 3: Fellows announced.
Week of May 24: Fellowship begins (includes bi-weekly cohort calls). First payment made to Fellows.
May 24 - Sept 27: On-going Fellowship calls.
Oct 1: Begin scheduling reflection interviews about projects. Final payment due to Fellows upon interview completion.
Before end of the year: Fellows participate in webinar for the AT alumni network.
Please direct all questions to the Network Engagement Manager: